January is National Radon Action Month
Did you know that January is Radon Awareness month?
Radon is in, to some degree, every home’s air. It is odorless and colorless, yet per the EPA, is the 2nd leading cause of lung cancer…only surpassed by smoking.
With a simple 48 hour test we can determine what levels exist in your home. And what, if any, risk you and your family are exposed to breathing your home’s air.
We use only the latest, and best testing equipment. Your report will show a full 48 hour’s worth of hourly testing data, not just a single number, or pass/fail result.
While radon is only one aspect of indoor air quality, it is one of the most important. Call or message us to discuss, or arrange for a test.
In 2 short days, you can determine if a concern exists, or you can breathe easy.